Summary : Waterfall vs Agile

Which method is right for your projects ?

Pisit J.
Sum up As A Service
4 min readFeb 26, 2020


Types of Software Development

Predictive vs Adaptive

Predictive — requirements are fixed.

Adaptive — requirements can be changed.

Incremental vs Iterative

Incremental — develop separated parts & combine into one, final product.

Iterative — develop many improved versions of product.


strictly do as plan, step by step, cannot skip or undo.


Waterfall with earlier validation

Incremental Model

Multiple Mini-Waterfall.

Sashimi Model

Overlap-able Waterfall.

Gate Phase

Checkpoints that decide if you can go to next step or not.

Limitation of Waterfall

- need to do step by step.

- product can be usable only when final step is completed.

- if product is not what user really want, it may be too late to change.

Waterfall vs Agile

Waterfall — Predictive, Incremental.

Agile — Adaptive, Incremental & Iterative.


Agile is mindset, not model or framework !!

The primary goal of being Agile is empowered the development team the ability to create and respond to change in order to succeed in an uncertain environment.

Framework to implement Agile


A framework that helps teams work together.

Scrum encourages teams to learn on their wins and losses to continuously improve.

- Sprint Planning

- Sprint Backlog

- Daily Scrum Meeting

- Released Work

- Sprint Review

- Sprint Retrospective


A visual system for managing work as it moves through a process

The goal of Kanban is to identify potential bottlenecks in your process and fix them

Kanban vs Scrum


- Divide work into time-box events called sprints.

- Set number of tasks before starting sprint.

- Release product at the end of each sprint.

- Cannot change requirements during sprint.


- Continuous workflow.

- Have maximum task in each stage of workflow.

- Have flexible time to release product.

- Can change requirement any time.


Combination of Scrum & Kanban.

Extreme Programming

Aim to produce higher-quality software more productively.

- Pair Programming.

- Test-Driven Development.

- Continuous Integration.


Get desired product to customers’ hands faster.

Waterfall or Agile, which one is right for you ?

