We Passed Over From Death to Life

David Ogundeko
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2023
Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

“Do you really believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? Many of My people believe that My son Jesus died for them but very few believe that I raised Him from the dead. For in that belief, their salvation is complete. Tell My people about the resurrection power that is available to them; to set them free from sin, sickness, diseases, poverty, sadness, sorrows, demonic oppressions and death. Tell them, I am willing and ready to walk with those who are willing and ready to walk with Me, those who are ready to take hold of My resurrection power and be baptised by My Spirit. Through them, I shall do signs and wonders that will reverberate through this age and in the ages to come. I am the LORD and all power belong to Me. My peace I leave with you.”

These were the words I felt God speak to me during one of my devotional prayers and ever since then, I’ve had a nagging sensation to share it with as many of the body of Christ as I can.

I’ve been thinking about this message and the more I think about it, the more I realise that I also have not been walking fully in the resurrection power of Jesus. I know that Jesus died for me so that I can be saved from death, this I truly believe, however, I have struggled with believing that I also have been set free from sin, sickness, poverty and all other forms of death that we face in this life. I wasn’t even aware until I received this knowledge. Death isn’t the same as persecution, this is the error we tend to make. We tolerate death thinking we are suffering for the gospel but Jesus didn’t come to teach a gospel of death, He came that we might have life and have it abundantly. He only warned that in this world, we will face persecutions but we should be of good cheer because he has overcome the world.

Believing in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead sets us free from the corruption and decay of this earth, it sets us free from the cursed earth that has already come under the judgement of God. It sets us free from the control of the Prince of the air that is at work in the lives of those who do not believe.

To believe that Jesus rose from the dead to live forevermore means that we also believe that we rose with Him when He rose from the dead and we are to live forevermore free from death in all its forms.

  1. We are free from spiritual death; We can access the gifts of God and the things of heaven because we have been restored into the Kingdom of God. We have been re-united with the Father of lights, in Whom there is no shadow of turning.
  2. We are free from moral death; liberated from the rebellious nature of Adam in the Garden of Eden, from daily trying to decide what is good and evil without the Spirit of God illuminating our minds with the wisdom word of God.
  3. We are free from emotional death; our souls come under the control of our Spirit filled human spirits. A peace that surpasses all understanding fills our hearts; that peace of God, together with a heavenly joy that is independent of external circumstances, begin to govern our daily lives.

It requires faith to receive the gift of salvation and to be born again, it also requires faith to walk in salvation daily; for we have been moved from the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light — what business have we to do with the things of darkness? What business have we with sin, with sickness, with sorrow, with sadness, with a lukewarm life devoid of power and boldness, passing through life without shaking the earth like Jesus and the apostles did? Professing a faith of righteousness but tolerating injustice in our daily dealings; professing a faith of love but harbouring malice, offence and Unforgiveness in our hearts; professing a faith of power but tolerating a defeated life devoid of power; professing a gospel of peace but living a life ridden with anxieties. Make no mistake, a double minded christian will receive nothing from God — James I:7–8

We already have been set free from death and given eternal life here and now; We already have access to the power, the blessings, the wisdom of God; We simply need to believe and walk in them daily.

Look at it this way, when given a permanent residency in a new country, you are already a resident in that country and no one can deny you access. You simply move to the country and wake up everyday walking the streets of that country — it is already a fact. This is how it is with our Heavenly citizenship. Just as in any physical country, you would have to take time to learn the customs, become familiar with the laws, language, conduct, norms, sub cultures etc so it is with Heaven, we spend time in prayer and in the word of God to understand the spiritual things we have been given so we know how well to use them. It is to the measure of truth that we consume that our faith will be multiplied to us for faith comes by hearing of the word of God.

As citizens of Heaven, we have the choice to spend everyday consuming the things of heaven or consuming the things of this world.



David Ogundeko

I resonate between reality and fiction — a poem is my tuning fork. I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ; a recovering Artist & Poet and Founder of www.funema.co