Lacking Gratitude: The Failings of the Obama Presidency

S. Alex Carroll
Queer Ramblings During Uncertain Times
1 min readJan 11, 2017

I wish I had the sense of gratitude I see all over my feed tonight for Obama’s presidency.

Instead, I think of how I spent a large portion of his presidency uninsured, facing several years of housing instability, while simultaneously fighting the imperialist, oppressive regime he continued to perpetuate.

There is still snow outside, and I worry my friend who lives under the 147 is warm. As usual, I go through my list of friends and comrades and worry about where they are and if they are okay. If they will face state-sanctioned violence after I fall asleep. If they will be assaulted simply for existing. If they also have somewhere warm to sleep tonight. If they have a supply of medicine for whatever they might be going through. If their families overseas are safe from our military complex. Or if they are safe even here, within our borders.

I wish I felt that gratitude. Instead, it’s just deep sadness transposed over impeding doom.



S. Alex Carroll
Queer Ramblings During Uncertain Times

S. Alex is a queer and trans masculine writer and activist born and raised in the Deep South.