What are you not seeing?

S. Alex Carroll
Queer Ramblings During Uncertain Times
1 min readNov 17, 2016

When we talk about racism, sexism, homophobia, transmisogyny, Islamaphobia, classism, ableism, and other forms of oppression, I want folks who do not experience these forms of oppression to realize these are not abstract concepts. They are not some ethereal idea. They are not just actions or opinions based on hate or bigotry. They are real mechanisms, with very real gears that can be attacked, fought, broken, and overcome. To give in to the idea that this simply a culture war is to give into the work of very large conservative think tanks who have directed the political conversation intentionally, in order to obscure the vulnerabilities in these structures of oppression. Look harder. Ask more questions. Look for points of failure. What are you not seeing?



S. Alex Carroll
Queer Ramblings During Uncertain Times

S. Alex is a queer and trans masculine writer and activist born and raised in the Deep South.