When Love Turns to Ashes

Syed Faizan Geelani
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2024


There was a time when love felt eternal, a flame that would never die. We built our dreams on promises whispered under moonlit skies, believing that nothing could ever come between us. But now, those dreams lie in ruins, reduced to ashes by the very flame that once warmed our hearts.

“Love, once so vibrant, can turn to ashes in the blink of an eye, leaving us to sift through the remnants of what once was.” — S.F. Geelani

Every so often I catch myself looking at the relics of our love and trying to piece together when exactly things went sour. They cycle through my head in a constant loop, and each memory hurts more than the last. Your eyes being the telltale give for your smile,/glowing a light aquamarine/you easily decided to deposit into each room of yourself…and laugh. But now, the only thing that remains is the cold emptiness of yesteryear.

I know this aching void in the wake of your departure… it’s just that kind of continuous throb. It is an incurable open wound, that time has no chance to heal They say time heals all wounds but how is that possible when every day feels like a struggle to be alive?

“The heartache of lost love is a wound that never truly heals, it just becomes a part of who we are.” — S.F. Geelani

I often wonder if you ever think about me, if the memories we made together haunt you the way they haunt me. Do you feel the same emptiness, the same sense of loss? Or have you moved on, leaving our love behind without a second thought?

The nights are the hardest. I lie awake, staring at the ceiling, replaying every conversation we had. The silence is suffocating, a constant reminder of your absence. I reach for my phone, hoping to hear your voice, only to be met with the cold reality that those late-night calls are now just memories.

“In the quiet of the night, the echoes of lost love are the loudest, a painful reminder of what once was.” — S.F. Geelani

But even in the midst of this pain, there is a part of me that holds on to hope. Hope that one day, the pain will fade, and I will be able to look back on our time together with a sense of peace. Hope that one day, I will find the strength to move on and open my heart to love once more.

“Hope is the fragile thread that keeps us going, even when love turns to ashes.” — S.F. Geelani

For now, I will allow myself to grieve, to feel the pain of losing you. I will honor the love we shared, even as I mourn its loss. And maybe, in time, I will find a way to rise from the ashes and rebuild my heart.



Syed Faizan Geelani

Syed Faizan Geelani or S.F. Geelani is a writer from Jammu & Kashmir India...