OKU liquidity pool mining tutorial

S.Finance & UU.fiinance
3 min readOct 27, 2020

What is SFG?

SFG is S.Finance governance token ,following 100% contribution-based allocation, No private placement, no pre-digging. S.Finance website: https://s.finance/

There will be very few SFG circulating at the beginning of the launch, and the currency price will fluctuate relatively high. Investors should pay attention to risks.

I. Mining preparation

You need to make the following preparations:

  1. Own an ETH wallet, such as MetaMask and imToken wallet;
  2. Transfer to your wallet OKU、USDT One or more coins and ETH(As a handling fee)

Please note that all USDT in this article refer to tokens under USDT-ERC20 ETH network.

II. Deposit

We can obtain liquidity rewards by staking tokens into the liquidity pool. staking OKUsdt LP token could get SFG Reward. OKU liquidity pool support OKU 、USDT.

  1. Before staking, you need to ensure that OKU or USDT and ETH (as handling fee) already exist in your wallet;
  2. Click the title bar of the homepage [deposit and withdrawal] and click switch to OKU liquidity pool”;

3. On the deposit page, enter any one or more tokens you want to deposit, and the smart contract will estimate that how much you can obtain them. OKUsdt LP tokens;

Tips: Advanced options

In the advanced options, you can customize the “maximum slip point” and “Gas fee”

4. Click [deposit] to allow S.Finance stake your tokens and click confirm.

5. After the deposit is completed, you will receive what you actually received in your wallet — — OKUU LP tokens, you could use LP tokens for mining.

III. Mining

  1. Click [mining] in the title bar above to enter the stable currency liquidity mine pool;
  2. In OKU liquid mine pool Enter the OKUsdt that you want to mortgage LP tokens , click [deposit ] to start mining;

3. On the “mining rewards” page, what you have received will be displayed. Click the [receive rewards] Button to extract SFG mining rewards to your bound wallet;

!!! Congratulations on using OKU to mine SFG in S.Finance!!!

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S.Finance & UU.fiinance

S.Finance is a stable coin trading protocol, introducing a new token governance plan. UU.finance is a Stable coin with both market circulation & yielding