Qian liquidity pool has been launched, and the mining will be started

S.Finance & UU.fiinance
Nov 6, 2020

S.Finance has launched qian liquidity pool and the mining will be started at 2020–11–06 21:00(UTC+8).

Qian pool is the first complex pool launched on S.Finance. Users could deposit stable coins (QUSD, DAI, USDC, USDT, TUSD, PAX) or QUSD + USD5 (5POOL LP token) to obtain QUSD5 LP tokens. Besides transaction fee reward, liquidity providers could also obtain SFG and KUN (Qian system management token) reward.

QIAN, as a pure community project, governed by global communities (DAOs). Total supply of Governance token KUN is 12 million, mint 100% through mining, without pre-dig, private placement and team distribution. Users can mint stable coin QUSD through QIAN system.

The database compiled by community members is now online. Click to check more details.

Mining guide: https://wiki.s.finance/en/DAO-Guide_qian



S.Finance & UU.fiinance

S.Finance is a stable coin trading protocol, introducing a new token governance plan. UU.finance is a Stable coin with both market circulation & yielding