We could not Express Thanks verbally, so this Letter Live

S.Finance & UU.fiinance
4 min readNov 26, 2020

Good day,

Firstly, happy Thanksgiving day! Today is the 65th day since S.Finance came to this world. We have witnessed the highlight and valley, but luckily, we always have your company.

Today, we launched the 6th liquidity pool——USDG. The other 5 pools are sUSD, dfi, dForce, 5pool, qian. Basic APY of SFG pool has hit 291% today and with the SFG locking function, APY could be 2.5 times that of the basic situation. Good for us and thanks for all of related teams.

As Mirabeau said, “The two greatest inventions of the human mind are Writing and Money — the common language of intelligence and the common language of self-interest”. We believe that it is the “money” combined us instead of gracious belief in the first place, however until now, more emotional factors in, including trust, expect, as well as dream.

In cryptography, DeFi protocols are thought human-proof so that it shows more freedom and anti-centre, but we wouldn’t say S.Finance against human, it is more likely an alliance between 2 giants : smart contracts and human power.

If this is the first time that you encounter us, the following sentences will cost 20 sec to make you know us a little bit:

Curve.fi produced a revelation of encourage system of liquidity pools, based on their contribution, S.Finance came to life on 23th September with 3 mining rewards. With the support of Balancer and defi fanciers, S.Finance achieved over 200 million TVL within 1 week.

S.Finance aims to offer a way to transfer value as easily as sending an email, but promises more: it lets people over distances to create new kinds of mutual benefits, and to form meaningful economic relationships. Perhaps most importantly, DeFi realizes the Internet’s unfulfilled promise: to do these things without relying on a centralized authority like a financial institution or a company.

We have a vested interest in stable coins since stables have become an inherent part of crypto currency world and they now come in many different flavors (DAI, TUSD, sUSD, bUSD, USDC etc.), which means there is a much bigger need for crypto users to move from a stable coin to another.Centralized exchanges tend to have high fees which are problematic for those trying to move from a stable coin to another. As a result, S.Finance offer a fair place to exchange stable coins with low fees and low slippage.

In short, S.Finance certainly has its share in DeFi world, bringing greater freedom, autonomy, and economic benefit to people around the world. And we have a bigger goal: bring DeFi mainstream.

We’d like to thank all partners for trusting us with their support in many ways and for contributing to our professional growth.

Firstly, Thanks for our volunteers’ remarkably work. We always want to work more closely with them, with whom we’ve been having discussions around cutting edge crypto currency ideas.

We are thrilled to have more access to Curve team’s brilliant mind and YFII team’s wealth of resources and knowledge about decentralized finance. Plus, we are excited to be joining DeBank, and learn from their experience, and MetaMask, whose contributions to this industry can be compared only with few others’. Thanks for the support of CoinmarketCap and Coingecko. We are eager to add our efforts to theirs, and to this emerging industry.

And as a part of SFG high-powered community, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with these brilliant leaders and thinkers in the space, who bring enduring advantages of vision, experience, and tenacity to S.Finance.

We have seen day and night code checking, also price pump and dump, as well as ongoing updates. However, we believe that no matter how dramatic the end result, the good-to-great transformations never happened in one fell swoop. There was no single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no wrenching revolution. Good to great comes about by a cumulative process — step by step, action by action, decision by decision, turn by turn of the flywheel — that adds up to sustained and spectacular results.

We will leap forward, dive deeper, keep speeding up, and contribute to the long-run. There is no doubt that we still have a long way to go, but with you guys, this journey will definitely be fantastic.

At last but not least, our NEW product UU is upcoming.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who’s supported us so far! You guys are incredible.


Curve.fi, Banlancer, Synthetix, yearn.finance, Dfi.Money , dForce, Zapper.fi , QIAN stablecoin protocol, Lights.finance, ForTube


CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, DeFiPulse , AICoin, Dapp.com

OKEx, Bibox Exchange, gate.io, MXC Official, HOTBIT, Coinw Exchange, BBX

MetaMask, imToken, MEET. ONE, BitKeep ,Trezor

David Lei, Andrew Kang, Rubz Commz, rlacumba, DefiYield.info, YieldField ,cryptobuzznews,uh@silviafufu1


SFG Community

Written on Thanksgiving Day 2020

亲爱的S.Finance 用户,

今天是感恩节,也是S.Finance 诞生的第65天,这一路上我们一起经历了高峰和低谷,见证了辉煌和坎坷,感谢你们一直都在。



S.Finance 是一个稳定币交易协议,引入了一个新的代币治理计划。同时也是第一个实现三挖 DeFi 底层资产的连接器项目。目前,S.Finance 兑换池 已支持 DAI、USDC、USDT、TUSD、PAX、USDx、QUSD、USDG 等稳定币之间的兑换。同时已上线 sUSD、dfi、SFG、dForce、qian、usdg等流动性矿池,其中 SFG 池的APY今日已经达到291%,用户锁仓S.Finance治理代币SFG即可加速挖矿,APY可提速至2.5倍。



我们很高兴能有更多的机会接触到Curve team的智慧和YFII 团队在区中心化金融方面丰富的资源和知识。此外,我们很高兴加入DeBank并学习他们的经验,感谢QIAN对我们的支持以及MetaMask,他们对这个行业的贡献是独一无二的。还要感谢CoinmarketCap和Coingecko的支持。




很多人会好奇,S.Finance到底是一个怎么样的团队,在这么短的时间里,这么较劲,搞这么大声势,铺这么大摊子。其实很简单,我们每一个人始终有一个贯通的内在逻辑 — — 做一个朴素的产品,躬身入局,日拱一卒。根扎一处,无限生长。连接更多的人。然后创造未来。







所以,我们的新产品 UU 正在路上。






Curve.fi, Banlancer, Synthetix, yearn.finance, Dfi.Money , dForce, Zapper.fi , QIAN stablecoin protocol, Lights.finance, ForTube


CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, DeFiPulse , AICoin, Dapp.com

OKEx, Bibox Exchange, gate.io, MXC Official, HOTBIT, Coinw Exchange, BBX

MetaMask, imToken, MEET. ONE, BitKeep ,Trezor

David Lei, Andrew Kang, Rubz Commz, rlacumba, DefiYield.info, YieldField ,cryptobuzznews,uh@silviafufu1


S.Finance 团队



S.Finance & UU.fiinance

S.Finance is a stable coin trading protocol, introducing a new token governance plan. UU.finance is a Stable coin with both market circulation & yielding