An Empty Space

Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

“I miss you deeply, unfathomly, senselessly, terribly. “ — Franz Kalka

You know you're missing someone badly when you start to see them everywhere you go

And every person you meet reminds you of something about them

Like their eyes, their walk, little nuances in the way they talk

Their contagious laugh

Or the weird way they smile with their mouth slanted to the side

You know you’re missing someone badly when your only place of comfort is in their arms

And in your most ardent and difficult times you start witnessing serendipitous things

A little bird greets you in the hallway

A leaf flutters to your feet

And the smile given by a random person on a bus is a duplicate version of the way they would smile

And other unexplainable little things occur

As your heart continues to miss them more

Yes, you know you’re missing someone badly when you can feel their presence beside you And you can sense even their very thoughts

Written by: Carla L Ibanzo (c) 2024

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Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink

💚 to travel. A lover of books, music, poetry, food and traveling. I write from the heart. I’m inspired by my dreams,🎐 experiences & other’s stories 🍄