I Wish

Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink
Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Barbara Krysztofiak on Unsplash

“Some see a seed, some see a wish.“ — unknown

What do I wish?
I wish for many things
One is that I wish people would simply just say what they mean
So you wouldn’t have to wonder if they’re speaking in code
Whether it’s some sort of riddle
Or an inverse puzzle
And I sometimes wonder, too
Why is it so hard for them to be true?
Is that asking too much?
Well, I guess it would seem so
Tell me I’m not alone in this and that you feel just like I do

Or is it just me?

Oh, the timing of it all

Like throwing seeds over a wall

Written by: Carla L Ibanzo

(c) 2024

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Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink

💚 to travel. A lover of books, music, poetry, food and traveling. I write from the heart. I’m inspired by my dreams,🎐 experiences & other’s stories 🍄