Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2024


My Beautiful Almost

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

“True love never dies, it only transforms and evolves into something even more beautiful “ — unknown

You will always be my most beautiful memory
My forever almost
You made me believe in the possibility of having heaven on earth
You were who I felt the most happy with
Felt completely safe and loved
You made everything clear
Made me hear the music again

You torched away my unbelief
You made me believe that true love does exist

And to dance with the magic of possibilities
You gave me back my heart
In essence, you gave me back my life
But like a Greek tragedy
It just wasn’t destined to be
Oh my love I’m devastated all over again when I think about what could have been
Was it a blessing or was it a curse?

I now seek for peace have you found yours?
My most beautiful, beautiful almost

And if you ever should read these lines one day
Just know that I felt the most loved and alive gazing into your deep brown eyes
And that my heart will be forever yours — always

Written by: Carla L Ibanzo (c) 2024

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Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink

💚 to travel. A lover of books, music, poetry, food and traveling. I write from the heart. I’m inspired by my dreams,🎐 experiences & other’s stories 🍄