Pink Skies

Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2024


“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather. “ — Pema Chodron

Pink skies and boundless white sand

The evening sun caressing my back

The gentle splash of the waves on the shore

Remind me of the simple times of yore

The happy times — the colourful years

I'd give anything to recapture those days

A time when I was happy and free

A time and place I long to be

As I child I couldn't wait to be grown

And now that I'm old I wonder what charm did it hold?

If I had my life to live over again

Would I change anything? What would I amend?

I'd have loved more and taken more risks

Go after what I wanted, done everything that I wished

It's not too late there's still time

You’re the architect of your life, you’re the mastermind!

Pink skies and boundless white sand

The evening sun caressing my back

The gentle splash of the waves on the shore

Remind me that this life is so much more

Written by: Carla L Ibanzo (c) 2024

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Carla Ibanzo - CLI Ink

💚 to travel. A lover of books, music, poetry, food and traveling. I write from the heart. I’m inspired by my dreams,🎐 experiences & other’s stories 🍄