AutoML: Simplifying Machine Learning for Industrial Innovation

Özer Aydemir
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2024

Imagine running a big factory. There are machines everywhere, and you need to keep them working smoothly. And when machines suddenly develop problems, all your work slows down, and you end up facing trouble. But what if there was a way to know when these machines might have issues before they happen? That’s where AuToWin steps in — it’s designed to be a super-smart system that helps predict before machines might need fixing.

Let’s break it down. Picture this: decisions about equipment maintenance and defects are like navigating a maze blindfolded in a factory. AuToWin changes that by being the guiding light through the maze. It’s powered by AutoML, an enchantment that makes complex machine learning accessible for everyone.

So, what’s the magic behind AutoML? It’s like a language translator for machines. It’s all about teaching computers to learn patterns from data without needing a degree in computer wizardry. AutoML is like having a mentor that simplifies the complicated world of machine learning, making it easy for everyone in the factory to understand and use.

Here’s the catch: AuToWin isn’t just about predicting when machines might hiccup. It’s about the bigger picture — minimizing breakdowns, maximizing productivity, and ensuring safer work environments. Think fewer headaches for factory managers and more peace of mind for everyone involved.

Behind AuToWin’s scenes, there’s a blend of cutting-edge tech — Machine Learning, Industrial IoT, and Data Analytics. But what makes it truly special is how it’s designed to be user-friendly. It’s crafted to simplify the complex world of machine learning, making it accessible and easy for everyone in the factory to use and benefit from without extensive technical knowledge.

Sure, every hero faces challenges. AuToWin’s no exception. It’s dealing with some tech challenges, but the team’s on it. They’re speaking more languages, making the models even smarter, and ensuring a seamless fit with existing systems.

At its core, AuToWin isn’t just a project; it’s a transformation. It’s about bringing predictive maintenance to the forefront, making smarter decisions, and creating a ripple effect of efficiency and safety across the manufacturing landscape.



Özer Aydemir

Computer engineer since 2002 and entrepreneur since 2007. CEO and Co-Founder of IOTIQ GmbH.