The Muslim Ban Ruling— 1 Year After

Albert Fox Cahn
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2019

I can’t believe it’s been a year since the #SupremeCourt’s horrifying #MuslimBan ruling. I still believe what I said a year ago that “our highest court ratified the lowest sort of bigotry,” and I’m terrified they’ll do it again tomorrow with the 2020 decision.

Taking a step back from the legal doctrine and theory, we have to look at the heartbreaking impact these decisions are having on our immigrant neighbors. Here in NYC, countless Iranian, Libyan, Somali, Syrian, and Yemeni New Yorkers have been separated from loved ones for years! I’ll never forget the crushing phone calls a year ago, having to tell clients that the Supreme Court had ruled against them and I didn’t know when they could see their families again. I wish Trump had to hear their sobs and know the pain he’s inflicting, not that he’d care

The Ban’s humanitarian crisis may not make headlines much these days, but it’s still inflicting a toll that can’t be put into words. The Supreme Court failed us, but we can still fight back. There is legislation in Congress right now to #RepealTheBan, but it’s up to us to make them pass it.

Please join me in calling your representative and senators to demand that Congress act now! It may take generations for the courts to correct their legal error, it may take generations to reclaim our Constitution, but we can end the Muslim Ban a whole lot soon, but only if we all call.



Albert Fox Cahn

Founder and Executive Director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) at the Urban Justice Center Twitter:@CahnLawNY