AI Will Eclipse Moore’s Law As A Driver of Tech Innovation.

A survey of AI’s future in hardware, software, and data.

12 min readOct 26, 2017

Artificial intelligence will have a bigger impact than Moore’s Law, the dynamic relationship that drove the tech industry to today’s gargantuan scale. But ultimately, the value AI creates will be greater than all previous information technologies.

In economic terms, some suggest AI will support doubling of the growth of some of the leading economies, while increasing labor productivity by 40%. In the first piece of this series I covered how the flywheel of computing begets new applications begetting new algorithmic solutions begetting more demand for data begetting more demand for compute.

The cycle reminds me of the Wintel partnership, that Escher-like cycle of falling processing costs and rising computing performance. The Wintel cyclebrought personal computers to millions of households around the world; the current AI cycle captures the explosion of data, and redistributes intelligence closer to billions of end products: cars, phones, IoT devices. Revival of the edge, which I wrote about in the second part of this series, is crucial to bring truly intelligent devices to the consumers.

Broadly speaking there are three main areas where I believe we’ll see significant…




Entrepreneur, inventor and creator — curator of The Exponential View