Petoskey, MI

The Organic Farm Owners

Anne and Brian Bates bring an entrepreneurial spirit to an old-world industry

Josh Rose
15 min readJul 30, 2018


Photos by Josh S. Rose

Pulling into Anne and Brian Bates’ farm has a similar feel to pulling into a modern winery. A nice wooden sign that leads to a small winding road toward a good-sized dirt parking area. After a few steps, you’re among a set of greenhouses, lined up with ample space between them. People are working, and it’s hard to distinguish between the owners and the workers who’ve asked to work there — the farm has never posted a job opening, but people come from all over to be part of what’s growing.

I meet Brian and his wife, Anne, with their months-old baby swaddled to her chest. They are all smiles and energy, and the conversation turns immediately to the farm-to-table dinner they are preparing to serve inside one of the greenhouses. I shoot while Brian moves from one thing to another. Days at the farm have different needs. Certain days are for harvesting. Certain days at the market. Today is Tuesday — the day for chores.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.



Josh Rose

Filmmaker, photographer, artist and writer. Writing about creator life and observations on culture. Tips very very much appreciated: