Detroit, Michigan

The Shoemaker

Jarret Schlaff is partnering with veterans to create a leather-goods brand — and rebuild Detroit

Josh Rose
14 min readJul 24, 2018


All photos: Josh S. Rose

I met Jarret Schlaff at his business, which occupies a 100-year-old bank building in Detroit — a space he shares with a prosthetics company. Immediately upon entering, I was taken by the old-era-style work environment. There are sewing stations with people at them along the windows looking out at East Milwaukee Avenue. But the main feature of the space is a central work table that takes up the majority of the floor. It’s very active. Busy, collaborative, intertwined, and swirling — but so is Schlaff.

Schlaff has been in and around Detroit his entire life. He’s welcoming and energetic and talks quickly, intelligently, and enthusiastically about both his business and his community. I attempt to work Schlaff’s personal work history into the conversation, but before long he’s back to talking about Detroit and the needs of everyone around him. By the end, I realize that, for Schlaff, it’s all personal.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.



Josh Rose

Filmmaker, photographer, artist and writer. Writing about creator life and observations on culture. Tips very very much appreciated: