Episode #43: 🇨🇳 Impressions of Crypto China With Chris Dannen

Chris Dannen, who mines and manages a crypto fund (Iterative Capital), talks about a research trip to Shenzhen and Beijing

Coin Talk
31 min readSep 11, 2018

COIN TALK is produced in partnership with Medium and hosted by Aaron Lammer and Jay Caspian Kang. Press “Listen to the story” above to play the episode. (You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, download the MP3, or email us at hi@cointalk.show)


Aaron Lammer: Welcome, chris dannen. Wow, going straight for the 5-hour Energy.

Chris Dannen: If I can get it open.

Aaron Lammer: This is that crypto power breakfast over here. Okay, so you’re saying your life has mostly been consumed by crypto at this point.

Chris Dannen: Yeah, but in a good way.

Aaron Lammer: I have, I feel like, a theme of people that I know who are at all interested in crypto, as they reach some critical mass, either in a positive or a negative way, and they’re like, “I’ve quit my job and I’m doing this full-time now,” or just like, “It’s dominating my mind while I’m at work.” How much of your brain is dedicated to crypto right now?



Coin Talk

The official podcast of Bitcoin crashes. Hosted by @aaronlammer and @jaycaspiankang. Mailbag/contact: hi@cointalk.show