How Carmen Maria Machado Paid the Bills While She Wrote the Book

“I wrote in my email browser so it looked like I was writing an email.”

Mike Gardner
10 min readFeb 19, 2019
Illustration: Lorenzo Gritti

Carmen Maria Machado’s debut story collection, Her Body and Other Parties, was a finalist for the National Book Award and has since been optioned by FX. Machado has worked as a caregiver and in retail, at both a sex shop and a luxury bath goods store. She currently teaches at the University of Pennsylvania. Here’s how she made ends meet.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Medium: Did you write as a child?

Carmen Maria Machado: Oh yeah. I wrote poems, little books that I made. In maybe third or fourth grade, we learned how to send a letter. My godmother gave me personalized stationery with jungle animals on it, and I figured out how write to publishers, because their addresses are right inside of books. Once I sent a fan letter for an author, but I also would send chapters and say, “If you want more, please send back to me.”

Did anyone ever want more?

No. But I did have one author write back, which was very exciting.

Does this mean you went to college to study writing?

