Let’s Talk About Brand Personality, Voice, and Tone

When was the last time you held hands with a brand?

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple


Credit: Irina_Strelnikova/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Compelling, relatable, and memorable stories are more than a strategic device or a marketing tactic—they’re about forming lasting bonds between people. We connect through shared experiences, and our stories reveal our uniqueness, values, and vulnerability. The best stories are ones you can visualize in the retelling; you feel as if you’re there, experiencing the events firsthand. You may not remember what you ate for dinner last night, but you’ll never forget the first book you read and loved. Storytellers can create worlds and characters that draw us in. We immerse, we get involved, and we develop a relationship with the characters and story as it unfolds.

Brands are no different in the power they have to create a conduit for their vision, mission, positioning, purpose, values, and beliefs. You can be a misanthrope firing shots in the dark or a little ray of light. You can be that carefully crafted persona who scores AdWeek accolades, applauding your clever clapbacks in corner offices. You can fly under the radar or be another bot on the assembly line. Pick your poison.



Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple

Marketing Exec/Author. I build brands & tell stories. Hire me: t.ly/bEnd7 My Substack: https://feliciacsullivan.substack.com/ Brand & Content eBooks: t.ly/ZP5v