Let’s Talk About Brand Positioning and Purpose

If you don’t show how you’ll solve your customers’ problems, they’ll keep on moving to someone else

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
17 min readFeb 18, 2019


Photo: masterzphotofo / Adobe Stock

“Why should I choose you? What makes you so special? Why should I care about you? You say you’re the best option on the block? Prove it to me.” These are the thoughts of your customer.

Brand positioning is defined as the territory you occupy in your customers’ mind relative to your competitors and whether those customers believe you’re the best option to meet their needs. How can your company address your prospective customers’ desired outcomes in a way that no one else can?

You won’t find positioning statements on a package, website, or store shelf. Rather, it’s an internal exercise that drives all the key decisions in an organization. It defines what you say, where you say it, how you say it, and who you say it to. It guides what you produce and how you market and sell it. Effective brand positioning relies on competitive research and analysis, consumer insights, and an honest evaluation of where your business stands and fits in the marketplace.

Your customers are at the center of the process.

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