Is Creativity Finally Dead?

Part 1 of this series examines where creativity is headed in an age of information overload

Jonathan E.
6 min readDec 5, 2017
Photo: Lukas Bieri via

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” — Kurt Vonnegut

Creativity has been on a downward spiral in many segments of society as a result of profound information overload. We can call up information on almost any topic with a few clicks of the keyboard. As a result, we’ve gained massive amounts of awareness into the way our world works and into things and people and places of which we would previously have never been exposed. And yet we’ve lost something, too: We’ve lost a sense of the powerful dangers of knowledge. We’ve lost the ability to create meaning and substance out of the power of not-knowing.

A Brief History of Knowing and Creating

Not long ago, there existed a phenomenon called “not knowing.” Pre-internet, there were times when “I don’t know” was not just an acceptable answer to a question—it was the only answer. Pre-internet, people would say, “I don’t know,” and move on with their lives, rather than immediately Googling the answer to whatever question was being asked. Sometimes you simply didn’t know and moved on…

