Tips to Stay Sane in 2018

Yes, it is that bad. Here’s how to feel better.

Henry Wismayer
6 min readAug 3, 2018
Photo by Elijah O'Donell on Unsplash

Doesn’t feel great, does it, this present moment of ours?

Your leaders are insane, your neighbors brain-dead. Your future rests in the hands of cranks, egotists, and sociopathic billionaires. Epochal threats are clamoring at your consciousness, and the only question left seems to be what will break first: our collective will to resist the onset of totalitarianism, or the levees holding back the rising tides.


Only kidding. I’ve got nothing. The world as we know it is almost certainly fucked, and while I would wholeheartedly exhort everyone to fight for what they believe in, there’s probably not a great deal we little people can do to navigate safe passage through such tumultuous seas beyond attempting to be calm and kind and voting for people who aren’t demonstrably insane.

A few months ago, I wrote an essay outlining my sense of impending doom:

Looking on as old certainties have been trampled, my confidence has been supplanted by an inchoate sense of dread about the road to come. I have found myself becoming a secret prophet of doom, one of a million Cassandras forecasting The End. Expectations for my children’s future have turned dystopian at best…



Henry Wismayer

Essays, features and assorted ramblings for over 80 publications, inc. NYT Magazine, WaPo, NYT, The Atlantic, WSJ, Nat Geo, and TIME: