A Brain Clot, an Orb of Light, and a Question

“Are you finished here?”

Nalini MacNab
4 min readOct 22, 2018
Illustration: Joseph Melhuish

“What are you doing!?” I thought I said out loud. “There’s nothing wrong with me!”

My housemate didn’t hear me. She was staring at me and dialing 911.

As the left side of my face drooped, she later told me, my eye slid down my face. I barely noticed; I was focused on trying to sip my tea but my left hand wouldn’t grasp the cup handle.

We had been looking at a new house. While in the living room, feeling out the property, I began to feel very dizzy. I curved my head and shoulders inward, centering myself, and it passed.

We drove the four minutes it took to get home in silence. I still felt dizzy and a bit unsettled. We took my dog across the road for a quick walk, and the dizziness returned. It became extreme in seconds. I had to crawl up the two short staircases to the living room on the upper level of our house.

I made it to the sofa, thinking, I was simply dehydrated. How stupid at this altitude to go out without a water bottle! I reached for my teacup with my left hand, only to realize that it wasn’t doing what was asked of it. I had to use my right hand to support my left wrist, then shift the cup clumsily to my right hand. I drank the contents, still thinking I only needed hydration. I had no…



Nalini MacNab

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love. https://www.nalinimacnab.com