What I Wish I’d Known as a First-Time Manager

Advice from 10 people on stepping into a brand-new leadership role

Anna Goldfarb
6 min readFeb 7, 2019
Credit: sorbetto/Getty Images

Your first management position will probably come with some growing pains. Sure, it’s exciting to land a larger office, new title, and pay bump, but all those things come with new expectations. You’re held to a different standard now: In addition to doing your job, you’re also supposed to be a leader, coach, and mentor to your subordinates — and you probably shouldn’t be letting off steam with them in the break room or participating in office gossip sessions.

The transition can be especially tricky if your employees don’t respect you, if there’s any kind of personality clash, or if you don’t have adequate support. It can feel overwhelming to navigate. It can be lonely.

Below, people who have been there talk about what they wish they’d known before stepping into a managerial role, the challenges they faced in their new positions, and how they coped.

Answers have been edited for length and clarity.

A new title doesn’t automatically translate to respect.

I thought that because of my new title, my employees would automatically respect my authority. That didn’t work very well. Some resented my…



Anna Goldfarb

Writes about relationships and pop psychology for The New York Times, Vice, and more. Author of “Clearly, I Didn’t Think This Through.” Lives in Philly.