Jonathan Parks-Ramage: “Jesus, Mary, and Joe Jonas”

At the birthday party of a Hollywood child star, Jonathan hears about a chic evangelical Christian church and decides to try it out for himself

Medium Playback
3 min readJul 11, 2018

Episode three of Medium Playback is here. Thank God! Literally — this week, writer Jonathan Parks-Ramage explores faith and transcendence at the city of angels’ preeminent hipster evangelical church, Reality L.A. In his soul-searching piece, “Jesus, Mary, and Joe Jonas,” Jonathan attends the chic house of worship, which name-drops Rihanna and preaches a conservative Christian gospel that “non-believers are going to hell, abortion is a sin (even in cases of incest and rape), sex is only acceptable after marriage, and homosexuality is forbidden.”

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The church has all the trappings of modernism and none of its values, but worshippers seem to find palpable relief from the services. Jonathan — who grew up in the culturally progressive United Church of Christ, with minister parents who reacted affirmingly to his coming out as gay — interviews a gay-celibate congregationalist who claims his libido went from 100% to 10% when he got saved. He also gets to speak with Reality L.A.’s perfectly-chiseled founder, Jeremy Treat, who “presents a ready-made identity, perfect for those who feel lost.”



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