Reversing The River: Chapter 4

The Bridge of Sighs

Leslie Pietrzyk
35 min readAug 16, 2017

Nettie had insisted on coming along — not to be good company, not to assist Lucy, but because she claimed to be so unnerved by the morning’s events that she couldn’t possibly be alone in the house — so there she was, sitting like a lump next to Lucy in the carriage as they rolled along the road to Charlie’s mother’s house. Lucy didn’t particularly like Mrs. Price, who was pale and doll-like, with glassy gray eyes and a dramatic sweep of white hair rising off her forehead. Despite her girlish appearance, she was sneaky, like a puppy pushing its way out of the litter to get the most attention. Mrs. Price had an unusual way of pronouncing Lucy’s name, stretching it unnaturally long — “Luuucy” — which made Lucy feel inadequate, as though Mrs. Price found something so distasteful about her very name that she was compelled to correct it. Yet who else might be able to help her out of this predicament of one less maid, no cook, and a buffet dinner party for sixteen a few hours from now?

Nettie said, “I understand Mrs. Price was considered a renowned beauty in New York.”

Lucy shrugged as if it didn’t matter one way or another whether Mrs. Price had been beautiful; she stroked the wool on the carriage seat with one gloved finger, pushing the nap the wrong way. “I suspect she wouldn’t deny such a statement.”



Leslie Pietrzyk

Writer since always. ADMIT THIS TO NO ONE = DC stories abt power & a political family. SILVER GIRL = novel abt Chicago, 2 college girls, Tylenol murders, $$.