An Open Letter to Everyone Who Won’t Stop Telling Me to Vote

Voting is a tool for harm reduction, but soon it could be all that’s left in an ever-shrinking box

Sara C
16 min readOct 9, 2018
Photo by author

Dear Democrats, Liberals, and Members of the #Resistance,

In the wake of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, every liberal person in my life — and probably yours — is full of anger at the Republican Party, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and the 49 Republican Senators who voted to confirm him to the Supreme Court. That anger is valid and important, but I don’t want to talk about his induction into the Old Boys Club right now. (For thoughts on that, I recommend these thorough pieces from the last few days.)

I want to talk to you about some of the things that got us here, and more importantly, I want to talk to you about what will get us out. I want to talk about how Democratic Senator Joe Manchin joined retiring coward Jeff Flake and “pro-choice” Susan Collins (both Republicans) to provide the decisive votes that put Kavanaugh over the finish line…



Sara C

Educator, author, and queer trans woman. Co-host of the Queer Sex Ed Podcast. More about QSE: Support my work: