Memoirs of an Amateur Hacker

The ‘90s are calling, and they want their hacks back

Robert Rittmuller
8 min readSep 28, 2018
Photo: RichVintage/E+/Getty Images

Everything you read in this post is true. All of the hacking, all of the abuse of high school computer systems, everything. It all went down a long time ago in a galaxy not-so-far away during the early years of the PC revolution and the dawn of the internet.

In the Beginning

It was 7:15 a.m. We were both nervous as hell. Would it work? Glancing at the clock again, I began to have my doubts. We had set the timer for things to start right around the time people would arrive at the school’s computer lab. But so far, nothing. Sweat appeared on our foreheads while I took another chance look across the hall at the entrance to the lab. Again, nothing. It was past the time we had set, and if we stayed any longer, we would be late for our first class. Silently admitting defeat, we started to walk away.


The tortured sound of over 25 Apple IIe computers all beeping loudly at the same time echoed down the hall. Trying as hard as we could to not break out in laughter, we beat a hasty retreat to the nearest stairwell to make our escape. Just before the stairwell door closed, I spotted one of the computer teachers bolting out of the lab, arms waving, yelling…



Robert Rittmuller

A devout technologist, I write about AI, cybersecurity, and my favorite topic, photography.