How Would You Describe Yourself Politically?

We’ve got more in common than you think

Eric Fershtman
13 min readMay 1, 2018
Art by Eric Fershtman. Images Credit: “Robert F. Kennedy,” U.S. News & World Report (Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain), “Martin Luther King Jr.,” Ben Van Meerendonk (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0), “March for our Lives,” Phil Roeder (Flickr, CC BY 2.0).

I knew the answer to this question, or assumed I did, before any of my interviews began. It was frankly meant to function just as a kind of throat-clearing, an easing into a more substantive conversation about politics — a softball, lobbed gently — but the answers I received surprised me and actually quickly became the most interesting part of my talks: of the five people I spoke to, not a single one identified themselves as “Democrat” or “Republican.” We conducted a survey using the same questions and it held there, too, even despite the fact that online surveys tend to provoke flattened, drive-thru style responses: just a couple of respondents identified themselves simply as Democrats; the rest were more descriptive, identifying themselves, to provide a few examples, as “on the left, but not explicitly a democrat,” or “fiscally conservative, socially leaning towards liberal,” or “Socialist that votes for and is a member of the Democratic Party.”

In other words, the answers I received were far more nuanced than I expected and indicated a broader spectrum of political views than is typically portrayed in national media or those heated conversations around the dinner table us pencils like to reference so often.



Eric Fershtman

work in Soapbox, Seneca Review, BULL, and elsewhere. democritus lover. editor of