That Lifestyle You’re Accustomed to Could Be Ruining Your Life

Making less money is not a problem to solve, it’s a fact to plan around

Matt Tanner
8 min readAug 10, 2018
Photo: Westend61/Getty Images

My friend is very unhappy.

He is telling me this between bites of a bagel as we discuss his career.

He doesn’t like the company he works for. Or the industry he works in. Or the actual work he is doing.

In fact, my friend doesn’t even really do much work at all anymore. He manages people and makes sure they do work, but they are pretty self-sufficient. He can come and go as he pleases and no one really seems to notice or care (his boss isn’t even in the same time zone).

In the abstract this might sound like a pretty sweet gig, but in reality he’s bored to tears.

He finds his work so unfulfilling he is considering making a career pivot to an entirely new field. Only, he doesn’t think he can.

“I’m trapped,” he tells me. “I’ve become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and can’t take a pay cut.”

Look, I’ve been there.

I once had a job so pointless and banal that I created a game of sorts to kill time. I called it “Paper Walkin’.” Basically, I would take a handful of papers (it could literally be anything — a P&L report, a…

