Venezuela’s Drone Attack May Not Be the Last

Terror in the skies is no joke

Lance Ulanoff
5 min readAug 6, 2018

I was marching in a pride parade when I heard a familiar buzzing over my shoulder. Turning on my heel, I came face-to-propeller blade with a drone. I watched as it swooped perilously close to the crowd and then suddenly soared straight up.

Later, I found the drone pilot and director literally plucking their DJI Ghost quadcopter out of the sky after successfully capturing tons of excellent drone footage. They’d been hired to document the event. I remember being impressed with the pilot’s expertise. I bet his shots looked amazing.

As consumer drones have grown larger and more intelligent, making piloting virtual child’s play, concerns have grown.

Few are paying attention to the drone above because in front of them stands Venezuela's recently re-elected leader, President Nicolas Maduro. At least one attendee, perhaps distracted by the drone’s loud propeller buzz, turns his head skyward, pointing his camera phone at the drone as it floats a few hundred feet above the military procession.

Then it explodes in a bright orange fireball.

Early that morning, my heart sunk as I read the words “Drone assassination attempt.”…



Lance Ulanoff

Tech expert, journalist, social media commentator, amateur cartoonist and robotics fan.