Why the Transhumanist Movement Needs Socialism

The wellness of the planet and workers’ rights depend on it

B.J. Murphy
8 min readAug 17, 2018
Photo: Jose Moreno via Unsplash

Transhumanist author and politician Zoltan Istvan recently published an article with The Maven titled “Transhumanism is Under Siege from Socialism.” In it, he stated, “Transhumanists must favor the free world and free market to make its movement as powerful and successful as possible,” and they must equally “be on their guard against [socialism].”

I disagree — at least when it comes to the free market.

If anything, the transhumanist movement needs socialism if it wishes to survive the enormous social transformation(s) that’ll arise due to proliferated automation.

Although Zoltan and I largely agree on many topics relating to transhumanism, our disagreements derive from our ideological perceptions of the movement as a whole. While I’m a dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists of America and officer of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, Zoltan is a left-leaning Libertarian who recently ran for governor of California under the Libertarian Party ticket.

And, in this new article of his, our disagreements couldn’t be more clear.

History of Transhumanism



B.J. Murphy

Freelance Journalist. Marxist Transhumanist. Advocate of Fully Automated Luxury Queer Space Communism.