Jennifer Crystal: Student Journalist, Survivor

“I try to suppress emotion and just try to focus on the day-to-day.”

Lissa Harris
3 min readSep 27, 2018
Illustration: Ricky Linn

Bloomington, Indiana

Medium: Are you a writer or an editor for your school paper?

Jennifer Crystal: I’m an editor. This is my second year on staff at the Optimist. I was a staff writer last year, and this is my first year as editor.

What kind of stories have you written?

I’ve written a lot of opinion and satire pieces and a couple of news pieces. I wrote a satirical story about what it’s like being a Christmas-loving Jew. Talking about how my whole life, I’ve dreamed of being a part of this holiday, and how all my problems would be solved if I were to marry a nice Christian boy.

You could have it all, huh?

I could have it all. But right now I’m also working on a story about the opioid epidemic, in Bloomington specifically. I’m gonna talk about pros and cons of the different resources available to addicts, and what they provide to the community, and to the people who are utilizing the resources, and where we’re lacking in Bloomington. Things like that.

That’s a really ambitious project.



Lissa Harris

Writer. Alt-weekly alum. Recovering local-news startup founder. MIT Science Writing ’08. Rural Catskillian, swordfighter, sci-fi enthusiast, queer royalty.