Kiara Arce: High Schooler Who Travels an Hour to School

“We walk into school every day feeling very uncomfortable.”

Lissa Harris
4 min readSep 27, 2018
Illustration: Mallory Heyer

Boston, Massachusetts

Medium: You live in Boston. Where do you go to school?

Kiara Ace: I go to school in Weston [an affluent Massachusetts suburb].

Which is quite a distance away, isn’t it?

Yep. About an hour drive.

What’s Weston like? It’s a pretty white, suburban neighborhood, isn’t it?

Yeah. It’s been tough going to school over there, just because as we got older, more things in the world have been happening. Some people are just really clueless, because most of the kids that are in Weston have never been outside of Weston or experienced things that we have known. Actually, last year there was an incident where the upcoming freshmen were being — they were using very derogatory words like the N-word and stuff like that toward us, and they made a Snapchat group chat that was basically talking about all the METCO kids and calling us the N-word. And they actually compared one of my friends to a monkey.

That’s horrible.



Lissa Harris

Writer. Alt-weekly alum. Recovering local-news startup founder. MIT Science Writing ’08. Rural Catskillian, swordfighter, sci-fi enthusiast, queer royalty.