Simone Ewell-Szabo: Bay Area Teen, Concerned Citizen

“I think adults think that we’re brain-dead, technology-addicted kids.”

Drew Millard
4 min readSep 27, 2018
Illustration: Ricky Linn

Berkeley, California

Medium: Have you lived in the Bay Area all your life?

Simone Ewell-Szabo: My dad’s been in the Bay all my life. My parents broke up when I was little, and my mom used to live up in Grenville and in Santa Fe, New Mexico, but now they’re both in the Bay Area.

It’s definitely a bubble, but it’s a bubble that I’m glad I’m in. Historically, just the fact that I go to Berkeley High and we’re five blocks from a UC campus that’s been doing amazing demonstrations forever is pretty inspiring. The people who go to my school are very inspired politically and artistically, and I really think that’s because we live in Berkeley in the Bay Area.

Are you planning on voting this fall?

Yes, I am planning on voting this fall. I actually preregistered today.

What issues are you thinking about as you’re getting ready to vote?

Especially as a young woman, I am worried that the rights women had to fight for are going to be taken away. At Berkeley High, we have…

