What is Malware? And How to Protect Yourself Against It

David Koff
9 min readJun 28, 2017

Welcome back, everyone. By now, all of you should be making a few small changes t0 your digital habits to better protect yourself. Let me and your fellow readers know how the process is going: Leave your questions, experiences, and thoughts in the comments section. I’ll chime in whenever possible.

Today, we going straight for the meat and potatoes, so put on your bib and get ready to start chewing. #AwkwardMetaphor

The Scope of the Problem

Anyone who follows the news knows that hackers have become increasingly creative, powerful, and successful at what they do. Attacks engineered by hackers historically have affected our computers and smartphones or an entire corporation. However, in today’s world, hackers are now able to shut off portions of the entire internet. So the problem is getting exponentially worse.

That means it’s vitally important for regular folks like you and me to educate ourselves just a bit more to be better prepared. We’ll begin with some of the terms you’ll need to know. Because while most of us have heard of computer viruses, most of us haven’t heard of the other kinds of threats that exists on the World Wild West Web. So, for the sake of everyone’s education: let’s correct that! I’ll provide just nine terms and their most simple definitions.

1. Malware (Short for “Malicious Software”)



David Koff

I’m a tech writer who focuses on digital privacy & security. Subscribe to my easy-to-read tech newsletter to learn more! https://www.technologytalk.net/