The Surprisingly Technical Process of Interior Design

Asher Stephenson
12 min readSep 18, 2017

This article (and audio segment) is about how technical “actual” interior design can be and how the pop-culture vision of the design process skips out on some really cool stuff. Get ready for some surprises.

Most people look at interior design as classic example of a primarily “creative” career — it’s all about creating a space that looks good, right?

Well, kinda.

Where many raised-on-home-improvement people like myself initially assume that the job of an interior designer is essentially synonymous with the job of an interior decorator (and, let’s be honest, the “interior design personalities” on the internet do a lot to cloud the distinction), the reality is a bit different.

Yes, it involves a deep understanding of art fundamentals and creative principles, but when you look at where those creative skills fit into the overarching industry process, they’re only a small part of it.

For every step that relies on 3D modeling, material reference databases, and mood boards, there are another 10 steps built on environmental psychology, cognitive science, and good old engineering. The end result might be presented as a creative solution, but the work itself hinges…



Asher Stephenson

Nerd, technical writer, sporadic think-piece producer. Catch up with my latest projects at