S18 The Other
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2018


Center vs Periphery


As I understand it, Shil’s model of Center vs Periphery is a way of categorizing the different ideals held by people in our society. An example of a center in mainstream American culture is the idea that every person should have equal rights. Someone who is close to this center, more than likely believes in this ideal and probably does their best to practice equality in their day to day life. Someone in the periphery of this center would not believe in this idea. Instead a person in the periphery may believe that not every person should have the same rights as another such as a prisoner having the same rights as a civilian. While this person is in the periphery of this particular center, they may be close to another center that better aligns with what they believe.

So What:

A center of values that I am strongly affected by is one that revolves around the idea that every person should have access to good, affordable healthcare trough programs such as medicaid. This center is important to me, because as future nurse I will expected to be an advocate for my patients and I figure why not start now? People are growing increasingly ill because they cannot afford to pay for medical treatment or see a physician which should not be the current narrative. A periphery of this center would be the idea that people should not have to pay for others to receive healthcare: they worked for their money so why should someone else reap the benefits?

Now What:

One center of values that the clients of the Spahr Center are affected by revolves around the idea that people with HIV are doomed and basically have no chance of survival, which is not at all the case. People in the periphery of this center would know that people with HIV, only have the virus that can lead them to become ill, meaning that they pretty much live the same lives as people without the virus as long as they maintain any medications that they were prescribed. Another center that the clients are affected by is the idea that people with HIV have different health requirements than people who do not have HIV. One instance where I witnessed the effect of this center is when a client was recounting a time one of the doctors he saw tried to force him into receiving a vaccination he did not need. The implication of this center is that people in the community I work with, can be taken advantage of in the sense that most will do what they can to be as healthy as they can even though they may not fully understand the treatment they are being given.

