The Promise That Changes Everything

Key Insights from Nancy Kline’s book and Time To Think

Siddarth Kengadaran
The Product Guy
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2024


Embarking on a journey through “The Promise That Changes Everything” and participating in the Time to Think Foundation course was a transformative experience, offering profound insights into how I should listen, think, and engage with others. It highlighted the essence of creating a Thinking Environment, underscoring the significance of attention, equality, ease, appreciation, encouragement, feelings, information, difference, incisive questions, and place. Each meticulously designed component fosters an atmosphere where innovative and independent thinking thrives.

The Ten Components of a Thinking Environment

The Ten Components of a Thinking Environment collectively create an ecosystem conducive to original and creative thought. Each component ensures individuals feel valued, respected, and capable of contributing their best ideas.

  1. Attention: Giving your undivided focus to the speaker.
  2. Equality: Treating everyone’s ideas with equal value.
  3. Ease Creating a relaxed atmosphere, free from pressure.
  4. Appreciation: Expressing gratitude for a person’s contributions.
  5. Encouragement: Urging people to think further and deeper.
  6. Feelings: Allowing space for emotions to be expressed.
  7. Information: Sharing relevant knowledge without overshadowing others.
  8. Difference: Respecting diverse perspectives.
  9. Incisive Questions: Ask questions that unlock new thinking, not ones that put people on the spot.
  10. Place: Choosing a setting that promotes focused thinking.

Through this exploration, I’ve learned the value of genuinely listening without interruption, appreciating the differences in perspectives that enrich our conversations, and creating spaces that affirm one’s worth. These principles have reshaped my approach to communication and collaboration, emphasising the importance of a supportive environment that encourages everyone to think for themselves and contribute meaningfully.

Implementing these components in personal and professional settings will lead to more authentic interactions, deeper connections, and a mutual respect and understanding culture. The promise of not interrupting and a commitment to fostering a Thinking Environment will change everything, paving the way for more thoughtful, inclusive, and effective communication.

If you are interested in learning more about this, you can visit

If you want to experience the Time to Think environment, reach out to Raja Chidambaram!



Siddarth Kengadaran
The Product Guy

Product Consultant, Enabling teams to strategize and build with conscious intention. Currently exploring Spatial Computing (XR) and AI.