Understanding the Building Blocks

A PM’s Tech Toolkit

Siddarth Kengadaran
The Product Guy
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2024


As product managers, we work closely with technical systems, and a solid understanding helps us make the best product decisions. In this first installment of the “A PM’s Tech Toolkit” series, we’ll unpack three core concepts: three-tier architecture, APIs, and databases.


Imagine building a simplified music streaming app to see these concepts in action.

1. Three-Tier Architecture: The Foundation

Presentation Tier (What You See):

The app’s user interface (UI) allows you to search for songs, create playlists, and adjust settings. (buttons, search bar, etc.).

Application Tier (The Brains):

  • Handles song recommendations based on your listening habits.
  • Processes your account creation and manages your preferences.
  • Powers the search function

Data Tier (The Memory):

  • It stores a vast music library.
  • Keeps track of your playlists and favorites.
  • Manages data about artists and albums.

Tier vs. Layer:

The tier and layer are often used in discussions; we should understand the differences.

Layers are logical: They refer to how we organize code within a single part of the application. Our app might have a presentation layer, a business logic layer, and a data access layer.

Tiers are physical: They are about where these different parts physically run. Our music app might be spread across a web server (presentation tier), an application server (application tier), and a database server (data tier).

2. APIs: The Connecting Bridges

APIs let different systems talk to each other. Our app might use APIs to:

  • Connect to music libraries to stream songs.
  • Handle secure payment processing.
  • Enable the sharing of songs on social media platforms.

3. Databases: The Organized Storage

Databases store information in a structured way.

Our music app likely uses:

  • A relational database to store user playlists, preferences, and song details.
  • Potentially, other databases are optimized for storing and retrieving music files themselves.

How It All Fits Together

When you hit ‘play’ on a song, here’s a simplified view of what might happen:

  • User Interface (Presentation): You tap the ‘play’ button.
  • Logic (Application): The app finds the song, checks your subscription status, and instructs the audio to start.
  • Database (Data): Song information is retrieved, maybe alongside your listening history, to inform future recommendations.

Why This Matters for PMs

  • Feature Feasibility: Want to add a new playlist recommendation feature? Understanding the logic tier is critical.
  • Data Potential: Knowing where customer data is stored opens up possibilities for insights and personalization.
  • Troubleshooting: If the search function becomes sluggish, you’ll better know where to start investigating with your developers.

Next in the Series: A deep dive into the power of APIs!

Let me know what other technical concepts you’d like to see explained in future “A PM’s Tech Toolkit” posts!



Siddarth Kengadaran
The Product Guy

Product Consultant, Enabling teams to strategize and build with conscious intention. Currently exploring Spatial Computing (XR) and AI.