Unpacking Artificial Intelligence: A Journey with Melanie Mitchell

Siddarth Kengadaran
The Product Guy
2 min readApr 26, 2024


I recently finished listening to Melanie Mitchell’s “Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans,” and I must say, her expertise in the field shines through every page; I feel more informed about this whole AI thing everyone’s talking about! If you’re like me — interested in AI but not a total expert — this book is a gem. Let me share some of the things that I learned:

AI’s Rollercoaster Ride

“Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans” starts by explaining how AI research isn’t all smooth sailing. Mitchell talks about “AI springs,” when there’s buzz and progress, followed by “AI winters,” where people lose interest because things get more challenging. This reminded me that the AI breakthroughs we see in 2024 didn’t happen overnight!

The Magic (and Limits) of Machine Learning

Modern AI isn’t programmed traditionally. Instead, machines “learn” by getting fed tons of data. For instance, think of machine learning to recognize images by being shown thousands of pictures. That’s how they can recognize images or translate languages! But, and this is a big but, Mitchell emphasizes, “…machines often lack the common sense and robust understanding needed for true intelligence.”

AI’s Got Game

Did you know AI can beat world champions at games? Mitchell talks about reinforcement learning, where AI figures out how to win games by just practicing a ton and being rewarded. This is not just about games; it’s about the real world. Similar techniques are being used to train robots and make decisions in various industries, sparking a new era of possibilities!

AI vs. Language: Not So Simple

Things get interesting when it comes to AI and language. Newer AI models called Large Language Models (or LLMs for short, like GPT) can create incredibly human-like text! While impressive, Mitchell reminds us: “Language is fundamentally about meaning, and here, current AI struggles.” It’s easy to be tricked into thinking something like ChatGPT understands what it’s saying, but it can still make mistakes a human wouldn’t.

The Future: AI and Us

Maybe the most important takeaway from the book, and something super relevant in 2024, is that AI isn’t meant to replace us. Mitchell says, “We should focus on creating AI systems that complement human intelligence instead of replacing it.” This perspective shifts the narrative around AI, making it a tool we can use to enhance our capabilities, not something we should fear.

My Takeaway

“Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans” is a fascinating journey that helped me understand how AI works and made me question the hype surrounding it. AI in 2024 is impressive, but it has its limits. Being aware of those makes us smarter users of AI technology, and I think that’s what Mitchell is hoping for. If you’re even slightly curious about AI, this book is an absolute must-read!



Siddarth Kengadaran
The Product Guy

Product Consultant, Enabling teams to strategize and build with conscious intention. Currently exploring Spatial Computing (XR) and AI.