Quick Overview of Leaked LockBit 3.0 (Black) builder program

Published in
6 min readSep 22, 2022

Author: HuiSeong, Yang & Hyunsik, Jeong | S2W TALON

Last Modified : Sep 22, 2022

Photo by Niranjan _ Photographs on Unsplash

Executive Summary

  • According to a tweet from 3xp0rt, Ali Qushji was able to infiltrate LockBit’s server and acquire the builder for the ransomware
  • According to vx-underground, Proton, one of the programmers for the LockBit ransomware group, mentioned that the builder was leaked, but the tweet has now been deleted.
  • The ransomware group indirectly admitted that the allegations above are true, saying that nothing has been hacked and that they have fired the coder.
  • LockBit 3.0 Builder leaked by Ali Kushii and Proton are both shared on 3xp0rt’s Github.

Detailed Analysis

LockBit builder flowchart

1. Build.bat

Build.bat creates an RSA public/private key pair by executing Keygen.exe, and Builder.exe that generates a LockBit 3.0 ransomware using the generated key pair.

ERASE /F /Q %cd%\Build\*.* 
keygen -path %cd%\Build -pubkey pub.key -privkey priv.key
builder -type dec -privkey %cd%\Build\priv.key -config config.json -ofile %cd%\Build\LB3Decryptor.exe
builder -type enc -exe -pubkey %cd%\Build\pub.key -config config.json -ofile %cd%\Build\LB3.exe
builder -type enc -exe -pass -pubkey %cd%\Build\pub.key -config config.json -ofile %cd%\Build\LB3_pass.exe
builder -type enc -dll -pubkey %cd%\Build\pub.key -config config.json -ofile %cd%\Build\LB3_Rundll32.dll
builder -type enc -dll -pass -pubkey %cd%\Build\pub.key -config config.json -ofile %cd%\Build\LB3_Rundll32_pass.dll
builder -type enc -ref -pubkey %cd%\Build\pub.key -config config.json -ofile %cd%\Build\LB3_ReflectiveDll_DllMain.dll
Command line description

The list of files created after execution is as follows.

Files created after executing Build.bat

2. config.json

config.json is a JSON configuration file that contains the setting values to be used when generating LockBit 3.0 Encryptor and Decryptor.

  • bot: Configuration about the bot feature stealing information from infected devices (Not used)
  • config: Configuration values that determine the behaviors for the LockBit 3.0 ransomware
Configuration description
  • white_folders: List of folders to exclude from encryption
  • white_files: List of files to exclude from encryption
  • white_extens: List of extensions to exclude from encryption
  • white_hosts: List of hostnames to exclude from encryption
  • kill_processes: List of processes to be terminated before encryption
  • kill_services: List of services to be terminated before encryption
  • gate_urls: List of URLs to be used as the C2 server
  • impers_accounts: List of credentials to be used for logon
  • note: Ransom note content
~~~ LockBit 3.0 the world's fastest ransomware since 2019~~~
>>>> Your data are stolen and encrypted
The data will be published on TOR website if you do not pay the ransom
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>>>> AdvertisementWould you like to earn millions of dollars $$$ ?Our company acquire access to networks of various companies, as well as insider information that can help you steal the most valuable data of any company.You can provide us accounting data for the access to any company, for example, login and password to RDP, VPN, corporate email, etc.Open our letter at your email. Launch the provided virus on any computer in your company.You can do it both using your work computer or the computer of any other employee in order to divert suspicion of being in collusion with us.Companies pay us the foreclosure for the decryption of files and prevention of data leak.You can contact us using Tox messenger without registration and SMS https://tox.chat/download.html.Using Tox messenger, we will never know your real name, it means your privacy is guaranteed.
If you want to contact us, write in jabber or tox.Tox ID LockBitSupp: 3085B89A0C515D2FB124D645906F5D3DA5CB97CEBEA975959AE4F95302A04E1D709C3C4AE9B7XMPP (Jabber) Support: 598954663666452@exploit.im 365473292355268@thesecure.bizIf this contact is expired, and we do not respond you, look for the relevant contact data on our website via Tor or Brave browserLinks for Tor Browser:http://lockbitapt2yfbt7lchxejug47kmqvqqxvvjpqkmevv4l3azl3gy6pyd.onionhttp://lockbitapt5x4zkjbcqmz6frdhecqqgadevyiwqxukksspnlidyvd7qd.onionhttp://lockbitapt6vx57t3eeqjofwgcglmutr3a35nygvokja5uuccip4ykyd.onionhttp://lockbitapt34kvrip6xojylohhxrwsvpzdffgs5z4pbbsywnzsbdguqd.onionhttp://lockbitaptc2iq4atewz2ise62q63wfktyrl4qtwuk5qax262kgtzjqd.onionhttp://lockbitaptjpikdqjynvgozhgc6bgetgucdk5xjacozeaawihmoio6yd.onionhttp://lockbitaptq7ephv2oigdncfhtwhpqgwmqojnxqdyhprxxfpcllqdxad.onionhttp://lockbitaptstzf3er2lz6ku3xuifafq2yh5lmiqj5ncur6rtlmkteiqd.onionhttp://lockbitaptoofrpignlz6dt2wqqc5z3a4evjevoa3eqdfcntxad5lmyd.onionLinks for the normal browserhttp://lockbitapt.uzhttp://lockbitapt2yfbt7lchxejug47kmqvqqxvvjpqkmevv4l3azl3gy6pyd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitapt5x4zkjbcqmz6frdhecqqgadevyiwqxukksspnlidyvd7qd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitapt6vx57t3eeqjofwgcglmutr3a35nygvokja5uuccip4ykyd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitapt34kvrip6xojylohhxrwsvpzdffgs5z4pbbsywnzsbdguqd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitaptc2iq4atewz2ise62q63wfktyrl4qtwuk5qax262kgtzjqd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitaptjpikdqjynvgozhgc6bgetgucdk5xjacozeaawihmoio6yd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitaptq7ephv2oigdncfhtwhpqgwmqojnxqdyhprxxfpcllqdxad.onion.lyhttp://lockbitaptstzf3er2lz6ku3xuifafq2yh5lmiqj5ncur6rtlmkteiqd.onion.lyhttp://lockbitaptoofrpignlz6dt2wqqc5z3a4evjevoa3eqdfcntxad5lmyd.onion.ly

3. Builder.exe

Builder.exe is a tool to generate LockBit 3.0 Encryptor and Decryptor. Encryptor and Decryptor are embedded in the resource section.

  • 100: LockBit 3.0 Decryptor (EXE)
  • 101: LockBit 3.0 Encryptor (EXE)
  • 103: LockBit 3.0 Encryptor (DLL)
  • 106: LockBit 3.0 Encryptor (Reflective DLL)

The parameters used during execution are as follows.


  • enc: Generate Encryptor
  • dec: Generate Decryptor


  • Configuration file path

-exe, -dll, -ref(reflectiveDLL)

  • File type to be created


  • When creating an Encryptor, the password required to execute the Encryptor
  • Passwords required to execute Encryptor are stored in Password_exe.txt and Password_dll.txt respectively

-pubkey, -privkey

  • Path of the key file to be used when creating Encryptor and Decryptor


  • File path to save

4. Keygen.exe

Keygen.exe is a tool that generates key pairs required for encryption. The parameters used during execution are as follows.

  • -path : Folder path to save generated key pair file
  • -pubkey : File name to use for Encryptor as public key (256 bytes)

— The first 128 bytes contain e value (fixed at 65537), and the last 128 bytes contain N value

  • -privkey : File name to use for Encryptor as private key (256 bytes)

— The first 128 bytes contain d value and the last 128 bytes contain N value

Key generation is performed as follows.

  • keygen.exe is written based on MIRACL.
  • Generates an RSA-1024 key to encrypt the file encryption key, and the e value is fixed to 65537.
  • When generating 512-bit prime numbers p and q, create a 256-byte seed with the rdrand x86 instruction.
  • Then, pass the seed to the strong_init function of MIRACL to initialize the CSPRNG defined in mrstrong.c, and use the strong_bigdig function to get a 512-bit value, which will be used for generating a prime number.
  • The keygen.exe uses a modified version of MIRACL, which uses RIPEMD-160 instead of SHA-256 inside the CSPRNG from mrstong.c.

Afterward, a 16-byte Decryption ID is generated to identify the infected PC and stored in the DECRYPTION_ID.txt file.

File information

1. Build.bat

  • MD5 : 4e46e28b2e61643f6af70a8b19e5cb1f
  • SHA-1 : 804a1d0c4a280b18e778e4b97f85562fa6d5a4e6
  • SHA-256 : 8e83a1727696ced618289f79674b97305d88beeeabf46bd25fc77ac53c1ae339
  • FileType : BAT

2. config.json

  • MD5 : a6ba7b662de10b45ebe5b6b7edaa62a9
  • SHA-1 : f3ed67bdaef070cd5a213b89d53c5b8022d6f266
  • SHA-256 : 3f7518d88aefd4b1e0a1d6f9748f9a9960c1271d679600e34f5065d8df8c9dc8
  • FileType : json

3. Builder.exe

  • MD5 : c2bc344f6dde0573ea9acdfb6698bf4c
  • SHA-1 : d6ae7dc2462c8c35c4a074b0a62f07cfef873c77
  • SHA-256 : a736269f5f3a9f2e11dd776e352e1801bc28bb699e47876784b8ef761e0062db
  • CreationTime : 2022–09–14 08:31:18
  • FileType : EXE

4. Keygen.exe

  • MD5 : 71c3b2f765b04d0b7ea0328f6ce0c4e2
  • SHA-1 : bf8ecb6519f16a4838ceb0a49097bcc3ef30f3c4
  • SHA-256 : ea6d4dedd8c85e4a6bb60408a0dc1d56def1f4ad4f069c730dc5431b1c23da37
  • CreationTime : 2022–09–09 08:58:31
  • FileType : EXE




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