W5 Dec | EN | Story of the week: Ransomware on the Darkweb

Hyunmin Suh
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2020

W5 December, 2020 | English Version

S2W LAB publishes weekly reports of the Ransomware activities that took place at Dark Web. Report includes summary of victimized firms, Top 5 targeted countries and industrial sectors, status of dark web forum posts by ransomware operator, etc.

1. Weekly Status

A. Status of the victimized firms

  • For a week, a total of 44 companies where mentioned and a change in the state of the data leaked from the victim company in the ransomware site was detected.
  • Activity from 7 threat groups detected

B. TOP 5 targeted countries

  1. United States — 68.2%
  2. Canada — 9.1%
  3. United Kingdom — 6.8%
  4. Germany — 2.3%
  5. South Korea — 2.3%

C. TOP 5 targeted industrial sectors

  1. Industrials — 18.8%
  2. Services — 18.8%
  3. Retail — 18.8%
  4. Manufacturing — 15.6%
  5. Automotive — 9.4%

2. Status of active Ransomware forum posts @ Dark Web

A. Thanos Builder

  • Forums:Exploit[.]IN, XSS[.]IS, CryptBB
  • User ID: Nosophoros
  • Initial Date of Activity: 11/19/2019
  • Whether operating data leaked site: N/A (Selling the program which enables users to build their own ransomware)
  • Special note: There was a case that a user named ‘recoba90’ (email: recoba90@protonmail.com) in the past distributed to South Korea with Thanos ransomware builder.
  • Related link: https://www.estsecurity.com/enterprise/security-center/notice/view/7061?category-id=6
  • Weekly Summary of Activity
    - Posted Date:
    - Added new features to obfuscate the forensic analysis (Original post: encoded client output pack option that can only be decrypted and executed in memory with an one time password which is provided to a small loader interface or as command line parameters)
    - Added Drive D: Drive Recycle Bin emptying
    - Added Access token impersonation as an option
    - Also other users who impersonate themselves are advised to be careful
    - Accepts Monero and Bitcoin as means of payment
Thanos Ransomware Builder posted by Nosophoros

B. Avaddon

  • Forums: Exploit[.]IN, XSS[.]IS
  • User ID: Avaddon
  • Initial Date of Activity: 06/03/2020
  • Whether operating data leaked site: In operation
  • Weekly Summary of Activity
    - Posted Date:
    - Still looking for experts in networks
    - Addresses that dumps of victim companies do not cooperate with negotiation were added to the blog.
Avaddon recruiting post

C. Dreamon Ransomware Builder

  • Forums: Exploit[.]IN
  • User ID: r3xq1
  • Initial Date of Activity: 01/13/2020
  • Whether operating data leaked site: N/A (Selling the program which enables users to build their own ransomware)
  • Weekly Summary of Activity
    - Posted Date:
    - Presented the progress of its upgraded version of the builder and said that there are some improvements left (implying almost done)
    - New builder will start with the price of $650
    - The price at the moment is $300 which is valid until Jan/01/2021
Dreamon Ransomware Builder posted by r3xq1

*Dreamon Ransomware Features

[ Conditional designation ransomware]
[*] Written in .Net [C #].
[*] Uses Hosting CLR technology (you get the native file) - Allows to bypass Windows Defender
[*] Minimum file size (17-20 KB) | (Native - 38.0 KB)
[*] Encrypts AES-256 files (work in stealth mode) `
[*] Deletes system restore points (cannot be recovered after encryption)
[*] Restriction on starting the second instance of the application
[*] Restriction on launch in the CIS countries (Does not work on the territory of the Russian Federation)
[*] Smart check (does not encrypt an already encrypted file twice)
[*] Encrypts entire files (max limit 100MB) - At the request of the user can be changed.
[*] Adds an .html file with information about the transfer of funds to each folder.
[*] Bypass system files and directories (to prevent system crashes)
[*] Protection against starting on virtual machines, sandboxes, etc.
[*] Scans and encrypts all found disks, flash drives, network drives etc.
[*] Removes all files from the recycle bin.
[*] Removed at the end of the work, leaving no traces.
[*] Works no worse than native ransomware and even better than most.
[*] When you buy, you get another additional Native ransomware
[*] Does not work with panels (does not send any requests to the network, for greater security)
[*] Key by hash, protection against detection in memory.
[*] No additional encryption algorithms required (performance and security deteriorate)
[*] Files encrypts quickly (very large gig files are encrypted from 1 to 2-3 minutes, depending on the power of the computer)

