Guide to designing business architecture: With a case study of a European postal service

Lakshika Paiva
WSO2 Solution Architecture Team Blog
1 min readMay 26, 2021
Figure 1: Postal Service (Source: USPS)


Most business organizations are driven by the vision and direction. At a high level, these are defined using quantifiable business objectives as applicable to the entire organization, such as overall revenue targets, corporate brand value and more. However, when it comes to achieving these objectives, they are converted into a business strategy and then into specific initiatives important to the organization and/or further subdivided into actionable projects. At this point, the objectives are cascaded through these projects, and specific functions, multiple teams or cross-functional teams become responsible for achieving and contributing to the overall objectives.

Information Technology (IT) projects often result from such overall organizational initiatives. Each project has their own objectives and outcomes and business architecture. In this piece of writing, I discuss the process of determining the business architecture for individual information technology projects with a simple application to a real world postal service in Europe. Let’s build and illustrate the business architecture through means of a story of an IT project.

Read the full length article on my Github:




Lakshika Paiva
WSO2 Solution Architecture Team Blog

I write about technical tools useful for business and personal use (Sep '23). Business-IT enthusiast. Dendrophile & Foodie. Mum to my fluffy little pets.