What can you learn in 8 weeks @ Saarthi.ai?

Tahseen Rahman
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2019

Hello World!

I am Tahseen Rahman currently interning at Saarthi.ai as a Backend Development Intern. I am a 3rd-year student of Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, majoring in Computer Science.

I would like to share how the startup groomed, and set me on the path of inspiration.

Saarthi.ai is a grooming hub for the youth that sincerely follows Artificial Intelligence and wants to make a mark in the industry, and that’s more than a catchphrase.

Here, I take a few minutes to write about my anecdotal experience of learning with Saarthi.

Humble Beginnings

My journey at Saarthi.ai started with me applying for the position of a Backend developer intern on AngelList.

I was responded to within 24 hours and after some basic conversation to get me at ease, I was asked to do a task. A mail corresponding to that arrived in my inbox and I was given 72 hours to submit my solution with a working demo.

I did what was asked of me. In another two days, I was contacted by “Nishant Goyal”, CTO at Saarthi.ai and also my Team Lead. He was very polite and we discussed my solution and also the direction and mission of Saarthi. I felt right at home with his clear explanations even as a beginner with very limited knowledge.

I was asked to join at the Bengaluru office with accommodation and food arranged by Saarthi. I joined on 15th December 2018 and my internship duration was of 8 weeks.

Since the product has Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing at its core, I was asked to get acquainted with those topics around that in the first couple of days.

A nervous first date

As I was getting started, my first task came and it was to design an API using python(Django framework) whose primary task was to train a model.

I would be lying if I say I wasn’t scared at first but the awesome people over there explained to me thoroughly what was expected of me and even tolerated my stupid doubts.

Having colleagues who really supported me, gave me the necessary confidence and since then I have been taking on different tasks and giving my best to get them done.

While developing APIs I also had the chance to dive into the world of NLP. Libraries such as Rasa, AllenNLP, and Fast.ai got my interest and I also worked with them to explore the code and understand the underlying logic of those libraries.

These libraries helped me in completing my tasks which were quite in the same domain. The APIs were designed to implement training of models and prediction of data. With the libraries I mentioned, I got a better understanding of my work. When the APIs were done, I had to deploy them to test them in a production environment.

For deployment, I used the AWS platform. It took me a little time to get familiar with the platform and honestly it is a lot to take in, at the beginning. But I got comfortable quickly and used services such as EC2, ECS, and S3 to deploy my applications. With the use of these services I also used Docker to deploy my applications as containers. Before this, I wasn’t at all familiar with Docker and with a little help from my colleagues I got along well with that too.

During my duration, I have used Technologies like Django, Docker, and Platforms such as AWS. Every day has been a new challenge and a new learning opportunity. With such amazing, opportunity driven and fun colleagues around me, it has been an awesome ride.

I am glad it is my first workplace as it has set the bar very high.

Also, who learns so much and also goes on trips to the Himalayas and Goa in 8 weeks. Imagine that! 👁️

This is my last week of internship and it already feels like I am going away from my second family. It is so hard leaving this place but I have to and I hope to be here again soon.

Do not forget to clap if you like my story.

For more on Saarthi, please visit www.saarthi.ai and do check out https://angel.co/saarthi-ai/ for open positions.

