Helping Customers to Plan and Create a Declared Data Strategy

Victor Maia
Published in
9 min readJul 16, 2020
Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

The world functions on the foundation of networking; all the networks work on data supplied from one party to another. Inevitably, there exists a mammoth set of multi-way data transferring to and fro. No wonder the company and the clients would like to plan and create a strategy for their perennial development from this! In fact, to survive, primarily from the company’s perspective, they need proper utilization and planning of data in the long run. So, declared data comes when there is a need for probable information the company wants. There remains strategic monitoring and planning to get the data in a readable and executable form.

Significant portions of the planning and creating a lump sum of data comes through managing portions. Through the marketing strategy like content, experience, data-driven, the favorable party can actually make a chunk of data plan, and execute in a sector of their respective business.

What is Declared Data?

Data, which the brand obtains through direct interaction with customers, are coined under a category of declared data. Moreover, these data explicitly come from the volunteered customer representing their interests, motivations, and preferences. The initial step to collect the reported data lies in the strategy of the foundation you are trying to make. Try to brainstorm with ideas that might or could work. Still, you might have thought that you are not accurately hitting the right path. In this case, analyze the possibilities by taking chunks of reasonable terms. Once you are out of this, study the feasibility condition that will be the best for your company.

Conflicts arise when the company only focuses on “what” data they should collect, undermining the possibility of the “why” condition. The sections of what customers like the most, what age they belong to, what place they live have paramount importance to every company. However, maintaining the emotional aspects that come from the “why” perspective is always a boon to the data collection system. Suppose, at the weekend, booking a place to enjoy in Bali comes only after some thoughts. Indeed, the person might like to opt for a vacation to celebrate the anniversary.

How to get the data?

To get data, that’s the most creative task for the company. In recent times, customers are so selective that if you fail to address their expectations, it’s more likely that you remain devoid of their views. No customer will give you information until and unless they find something valuable in your product. So, there exists a notion of customer value. It’s your responsibility to display some relevant content that they might benefit after exchanging their information with you.

Think about the incentive that you can provide to the customers in exchange for the valuable data. Things like a discount on the purchase, reward to the members, are always beneficial to attract what you need. With such services, no wonder who would not participate in your data obtaining process. Also, apply this on a large scale with the help of proper networking. You can also refer to tripwire marketing and Inbound marketing.

Work on your message and content as much as you can before going to the platform to share. Sharing is the final process, after which you can expect your customers to give a verdict. Every process is critical, and every result is based on how you conduct the procedure. After you are done, its time to have a perfect interactive communication through the app, email, web, social media, or even in person. For example, concerning what facility your travel service gives, you can ease the data collection procedure by providing some poll on your website.

Why is it relevant?

Data is relevant to manage and plan what your policy or interest should be in the future. In terms of a company, it plays a crucial role in accelerating the marketing sector’s developmental plans, which relies heavily on public data. Actually, the collection will illuminate your way by cutting off all the setbacks in the company’s developmental aspect.

Talking about the customers, they also benefit through the quality of products that have the most prodigious outcome in the future. They can choose which one is the most favorable in the current situation and which aren’t! The incentives can also help them broaden their taste of different products and try for something they haven’t tried earlier.


Data Driven Marketing

One critical aspect of a declared data strategy is its ability to drive through the data collected from customers. The most pressing point is its ability to impact the market with its transformational nature. With such monumental growth, there exists some concern regarding the quality of marketing data. Some of the incomplete data are seen to have no impact, which, on the other hand, cannot be neglected completely. So, still, in the developing countries, where the internet is not commonly used, these types of impediments certainly have some drawback on its own.

The fundamental principle that works is through questions like what, who, when. These are the basics for the company to relate their product. Going back, data-driven marketing came from the development of customer relationship management (CRM) software. This software allows the company to track the contact information along with the names of the customers. Additionally, it will enable direct mailing by portraying all the aspects of goods that the customer most profoundly uses. Going no further away, digital marketing came up with the new marketing automation software, which allows for separate marketing profiles.

Content Marketing

Content-driven types are one of the forms of marketing where the company focuses on creating, publish, and distribute the contents to the customers. The source on which such substances are released depends on where the customer desires to give their input. As a matter of fact, these are displayed on your website, magazines, and publications. Certainly, the company focuses on the interactive content, which is engaging, and bind the customers with contents related to their interests or choices.

It is a slow process, which requires strategy. One paradigm that reminds is the process on which you reap your crops. First, you have to water your field, and then plant the seeds, and finally harvests. Similarly, you have to give your customer some time to enrich your data collection strategy with their verdict.

Experience Marketing

In such types, the experience of the customer is primary in providing data to the company. It uses the principle of in-person events, also termed as interactive content, to collect their viewpoint on a particular product. The central theme of experience marketing is to increase the consumer experience, and that, in turn, helps the company to evaluate its product from that meeting directly. Indeed, this face to face interaction certainly propels these customers to share their live communication on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. So, your product can get a high value of recognition from a broad audience.

For instance, you can take the events of pop-up shops, black Friday. These events unequivocally can address the taste of a broad audience. So, successively, the companies at these events can get the data pertaining to the audience’s choice with the help of experienced marketing.

First Party Data

To consider the first-party data, you need to know about the “owned” data. In terms of company or business owner, they obtain these data firsthand. In fact, it is readily available in the interaction with your customer. You may wonder what these interactions refer to. It’s merely an engagement of your customer with you through your website, survey forms, and social media. From these media, you can ask your customer to cast your vote, fill up the forms.

You, as a company, would like to know how this works. For instance, a customer on purpose visits your website to look out for his necessity item. While browsing, your system can send a cookie to their computer. If they wish to accept, then it will be a data accessing path for your company regarding that particular product. You can analyze and configure what the person desires and wants. Also, you can be smart now. Add some feature that motivates the person to fill out a quick form. This way, you can obtain the first-party data from the storage. Indeed, the storage is termed as customer data platform (CDP), and the management part is Customer relationship management (CRM).

How will you use First-Party Data?

First and foremost, you can use this data to allure the customers, who seem reluctant to use your product. In other terms, this process is called retargeting. It’s the nature of people to think many times before buying anything, especially for the middle-class people. So, this retargeting approach might these customers in aligning their viewpoint along with your product.

Always make a history track of what your customer likes to visit on your website. Through this pathway, you can implant some relevant ads on that particular browsing page. This will turn effective once you begin to make the process smooth and coherent. It’s a small step to expand your customer’s outreach.

Second Party Data

Likewise, the term goes, the second party data signify that you obtain data in a secondhand. Secondhand pinpoint the importance of a person giving a first-party data. For example, your company does not directly receive the data of customers. Then, what you do is you plan to have a tie with another person/company. So, this way, you can have a mutual benefit with the party, as mentioned above, through the exchange of data. The second option through which you can access the data is by purchasing through the relevant company. Despite the monetary flow, this process is indeed an instantaneous one, as you do not have terms and conditions on this. Before purchasing, make sure to check the data as many times as you wish because you might get a supply of bulk information, which is not worthwhile for your business.

How will you use Second Party Data?

The usage of the second party data is similar to the first-party data as the source is the same irrespective of the collecting procedure. Likewise, the primary function is to retarget your customers with relevant ads.

Third Party Data

The section emphasizes on collecting data from the company, which is built only for this purpose of selling data to needy one. The only aim for these companies is to make a profit from selling the data. Due to this, your competitors can also have the same information that you have.

How will you use Third-Party Data?

Your company should not use this data for essential strategic marketing, as most of this can be readily available to your competitors of the same background. However, there are some areas where you can gain the audience. Technically, you can get the overlap audience from this data set. In case you are short of first-party data, then to complement the process, you can take the third party data for use.

Zero Party Data

These are the data set which comes through the direct involvement between you and the customers. In fact, it is the in-person data collecting scenario. This system of data collection pushes the individual on topmost priority. Indeed, the individual occupies the topmost position of the hierarchy of data collection.

How will you Zero Party Data?

Since the usage of first and second-party data encompasses the usage of zero party system, its prime function is to retarget the customers to whom you would like to have your influence. Among these various types of data, zero party data is the most superior one. Yes, its significant impact is that you can get the verdict of the customer directly. It is less likely you get the outdated data as the customers themselves are responsible for editing it.

Privacy of Declared Data

Infiltrating data is considered a heinous crime nowadays. Due to the massive involvement of social media peoples, there is a hefty amount of data from a single person. Undoubtedly, you can imagine the amount that these social media company collects. If one’s data is mishandled then, the company might face dark clouds hovering around their future.

To protect the data, the EU has regulated the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law to restrict the use and collection of consumer data properly. Similarly, Brazil has decided to formulate General Data Protection Law (LGPD) to put a limit on theft and malpractice on the valuable data. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of the United States kept such wrongdoing under control by closely monitoring the flow of data between various vendors and individuals. CCPA remains close to GDPR, but CCPA is less strict as compared to its counterpart. Nonetheless, it still has some profound impact on digital marketing, i.e., targeting the customer.

Are you looking to start a declared content strategy? We would love to jump on a call with you. Let’s talk!



Victor Maia

Unconventional Mind, Content Wizard, Marketer in the spare time