Top Business Advantages of The Microsoft Azure Cloud

Victor Maia
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2020

On the surface, Microsoft Azure allows businesses to build, deploy, and manage their own applications easily, quickly, and conveniently without the need for on-site infrastructure. Moreover, Azure’s combined cloud service is extremely customizable in order to meet business security, compliance, and other specific organizational needs.

As a cloud computing platform, Microsoft Azure is changing how businesses use cloud service in various ways. It’s crucial to mention that organizational needs are different in terms of resource management, data storage, and app development, etc.

For example, some SMEs are not interested in collecting customer’s data, and may not require a large amount of storage space. However, they may need a dynamic and safe testing environment for their web apps. The key to getting the best out of Azure is to identify the precise capabilities and services business requires before signing up.

Business Benefits of Microsoft Azure Cloud

On-Site Hardware Is Not Needed

Building and running on-site data storage hardware can bite a huge chunk off your business’ IT budget as well as incurring an ongoing overhead cost. However, by simply migrating your data, apps, and computing processing to the cloud, your business can easily do away with the need for on-site data storage equipment.

Businesses who are interested in running some of their processes on private servers can use Azure’s advanced networking features to build a hybrid cloud environment.

Budget-Friendly Subscription Models

Microsoft Azure’s utilization-dependent pricing models make it easier for SMEs and large enterprises to make the most of their IT budgets by choosing the precise cloud features they require.

This consumption-based structure is extremely effective for reducing the costs of infrastructures, reducing the workloads on in-house IT management, and simplifying cross-departmental collaborations. Whenever there’s a glitch, your business already has access to Microsoft’s broad knowledge base and 24-hour support team.

Extreme Availability

One of the most significant perks for business is that Microsoft Azure extreme availability across all its various data centers. Microsoft currently operates in over 50 regions worldwide and is available in 140 countries/regions. This makes Azure a perfect choice if you’re operating a global business.

As a result of its huge presence, the tech giant has the capacity to offer a service-level agreement that guarantees up to 99.95% availability. This means Azure can only experience a combined downtime of 4.5 hours per year. That’s unbeatable, making Microsoft the leading cloud service vendor.

Seamless Scalability

Business requirements are flexible, and they change as time goes on — either for downsizing or growth. This makes scalability a key consideration for any cloud computing platform investment. Microsoft Azure’s public cloud platform enables businesses to change their computing capabilities and storage space as required to guarantee optimum capacity either for short term needs or long-term business expansion.

Access to Enterprise-Level Development Tools

Microsoft Azure enables businesses to build, run, and manage their own custom web software using various relevant tools and programming languages. Some of these languages include Oracle, Linux, Ruby, Java, Kubernetes, .NET, Python, MySQL, and PHP etc.

This allows businesses to create state-of-the-art applications for both mobile devices and the web while making the most of several management resource available on Azure. Azure’s user-friendly development platform offers dedicated testing environments to enable businesses make the most of their internal web apps and end-user experiences.

Extreme Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is perhaps the most important aspect to consider before choosing any cloud service provider. Data stored on Azure is secured by a cutting-edge encryption process. Every Microsoft datacenter is equipped with proxy card access readers, biometric scanners, and two-factor authentication.

When combined with company’s cybersecurity systems, Azure’s world-class cybersecurity tools ensure the integrity, availability and privacy of delicate customer data. With Microsoft’s extreme cybersecurity, businesses across the world fight off DDos attacks, data breaches, malware, and similar cyber threats.

Multiple Compliance Features

Over time, Microsoft has become more familiar with the requirements for resilient and adaptive compliance controls. At the moment, Azure offers over 35 compliance offerings tailored to the needs of major industries such as education, healthcare, finance, government, and manufacturing.

Due to its built-in guidance and compliance resources and configuration management features, Microsoft helps businesses adhere to regulatory guidelines such as HIPAA, ISO 27001, GDPR etc.

Complement On-site IT infrastructure

Microsoft Azure allows your IT team to concentrate on your business without bothering about in-house competencies or data storage equipment maintenance. Microsoft Azure accelerates the speed and ease of deploying current web and mobile apps with extremely little or no downtime.

An integrated development environment accelerates the learning curve, making it easier for your business teams to master the platform within a very short time. Since Microsoft Azure has more global reach than other competing cloud service provider, it’s easier for the tech giant to roll out faster content while delivering the optimal user experience.

Suitable for Businesses of All Sizes

It’s easy to assume that Microsoft Azure is only designed for large businesses with global footprints, but that’s far from the truth. Microsoft Azure is suitable for businesses of all sizes. From the local business just around the corner to Fortune 500 companies and multinationals across the world.

Article written by Errin O`Connor (



Victor Maia

Unconventional Mind, Content Wizard, Marketer in the spare time