Meet Sheldon Speelman

Performics South Africa
Saatchi Synergize
Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2017

In this edition we’re introducing our maverick SEO Strategist, Sheldon Speelman.

Which 5 things can’t you live without?

Water, Electricity, Oxygen, Family and Friends.

If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you be?

Stand Up Comedian.

If you could have dinner with any three people in the world (dead or alive), who would they be and why?

MJ, I have some questions I need to ask him. Nelson Mandela and Bob Marley both brought great inspiration to my life.

Describe yourself using five emojis.


What’s your favourite thing about being a Synergize employee?

All the new briefs I receive of course and the great office culture.

What’s your spirit animal?

Just took a quiz: It’s an Owl.

What’s your favourite soccer team and why?

Manchester United, ever since I was I young lad actually. The other red teams are just not good enough.

What does an average weekend look like for you?



Performics South Africa
Saatchi Synergize

Performance marketing agency, driven by data. Certified Google Partner.