Is my baby drinking enough milk?

Saathealth Spotlight
2 min readFeb 17, 2020

Babies need to consume the right amount of breast milk in order to grow and develop properly. Lots of parents are concerned about whether their child is drinking enough milk: Are they breastfeeding enough? Are they getting enough milk so they can grow properly?

This is a common question. The good news is that there are three ways you can tell whether your newborn baby is getting enough breast milk. It requires you to remember three things, the first two can be checked at home and the third, a doctor will check when you take your baby for regular check ups.

  1. After each feed, your baby will sleep for 20–25 minutes

If your newborn baby sleeps for 20–25 minutes after a feed, this means that they are satisfied and filled with the milk they are receiving. There is no need to try and feed them additionally or get any kind of supplements to add to their diet.

2. Check that your baby is urinating approximately 6–8 times a day

It is normal that your newborn baby will urinate 6–8 times in a day when they are getting the right quantity of milk. If they urinate less than 6 times a day, you may want to bring this up at your next doctor’s visit.

3. The doctor will verify that your baby is gaining weight

When you make a visit to the doctor, they will check your baby’s weight gain. If the doctor says that your baby is at a healthy weight, then that means they are receiving adequate nourishment.

Keep watching Saathealth for more practical tips on raising healthy children!



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